Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Golden Thumb

I am sure you have heard of people having a Green Thumb. These folks can make any plant grow in any condition. For those like myself that either over water, under water, over fertilize, under fertilize, give too much sun, or too much shade will know, those people with that thumb are rare and gifted. I should know, I am married to one.

I have extended this term to people who grow businesses - successful entrepreneurs. Only, I replace "green" with "golden". The gold of course is to represent financial fortune. Most people that start businesses do so with passion about something they know well. Restaurateurs, plumbers, contractors, doctors, dentists, lawyers - you get the picture.

Anyway, these people start the first business and after many years of hard work, sacrifice, and turmoil, hit it big. This is the two percent I wrote about in a previous post. The other ninety eight percent get by with a modest living, but this two percent makes millions. The trick is keeping the millions. Their ego steps in "I have a golden thumb. I can buy any other business, open a second restaurant, become a developer, and my thumb will turn it into gold. I have the bank account to prove it!"

Be careful. Many of my clients in the past that expanded into markets they new little about, or businesses that they had not pursued before often end up losing big, and recoiling to the first business they had - if it is still there. You see there is no such thing as a golden thumb, it is a fairy tale like the Goose That Laid the Golden Egg. There was no such luck. It was the hard work, determination, and constant monitoring that built the first nest egg. There is a secret however to repeating such good luck and fortune, and I will write about that in the future.