Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Is your business sustainable or a flash in the pan. GM, Citi, Arthur Andersen, Enron. Remember these household names?  Some have sustained thanks to our tax dollars.  Do you think Betty's Cupcake's will get a government bailout when the cupcake fad ends? Or closer to home, will ZenCog (a business I have with Garf and Shaun) sustain if the fixie fad ends?

The answer to sustainability is based one one simple word - AGILITY.

Unless you are a shoe cobbler or barber, you better be ready to change with the fads and styles. You must always be a fortune teller, seeing the future before it arrives.  Stay nimble, stay open minded, re-invent your business periodically.  Were you aware that Burger King franchisees are required to tear down and rebuild their restaurants every twenty years?

I challenge you to add a fund and account in your books called AGILITY.  Accrue for it, save for it, and in three years replace your carpet.  Keep it fresh, it will help you to remain sustainable. Nobody wants to walk on dirty, smelly carpet. Need more sustainable ideas? call or fax me at 904-219-7777 - Clark